Thursday, March 30, 2017

Enable calling feature on whatsapp call apk

Enable calling feature on whatsapp call apk

There had been rumors about whatsapp having a calling feature, well it looks like they’ve finally implimented it but it might be still in it’s beta version, so it’s not out for the public yet. a user in reddit had enabled this feature and posted a screenshot, so I decided to try.
let’s get started.


1)Root access
2) whatsapp (version 2.11.508 or up. you can use the whatsapp.apk in the attachments.)
3) terminal emulator



1) make sure you have the right version of whatsapp
2) open terminal emulator in your android phone
3) type in the following:

HTML Code:

am start
-n com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.HomeActivity

4) whatsapp should now open with the calling feature enabled.



1) if you want to call someone, the other person must have done the same thing (enabled this feature) in order for that person to receive your call
2) you need to do this every time you want to call
3) someone who already has this feature needs to call you in order for this feature to be activated, I know, that sucks.


say thanks if I’ve helped!


Version Information
Status: Testing

Created 2015-02-01
Last Updated 2015-02-01

Direct Download Link

Available link for download