Cooking academy 2; welcome to the world culinary workshop, where you'll learn the art of international cuisine from master chefs from around the globe. from mexican tamales to chinese dim sum, you'll create famous dishes from every corner of the planet, learn interesting trivia tidbits, master new skills and mini-games, and compete for a one million dollar prize!. Welcome to the world culinary workshop! cooking academy 2 will put you in the kitchens of restaurants from all corners of the globe! from chinese bbq pork buns, to mexican tamales, to japanese sushi, make your way through 60 different recipes from eight different countries!. Welcome to, largest gaming social community on the net. with over 20,000 games to play, you should never get bored again. we add new games like cooking academy 3 world cuisine every day. play games, rate them, post comments, add them to your favorites, share them and chat with other online gamers..
Download game cooking academy 2 world cuisine full gratis cooking academy 2 . world cuisine for komputer/pc assalamu'alaikum. wr. wb - sobat rd yang berbahagia, game cooking ac. ademy 2 ini adalah lanjutan dari game serupa seri yang pertama .. Get the full version of cooking academy 2: world cuisine for $2.99! get the full version with more features, full-screen graphics and more! activate coupon. In this game you explore cuisine from all over the world and make over 60 taste tantalizing recipes. the music was brilliantly made to match the countries you are cooking and the designs are picture perfect..