Friday, March 3, 2017
Top programming languages you should learn in 2016
Top programming languages you should learn in 2016

Hello Guys!
As the new-year start every one of us have some resolutions which we want to be completed this year. May all get completed or not but we make resolutions thats true. Now in that case if you are a computer engineer you may have a resolution of learning some new programming languages this year. But you will be confused which one to select as the rate of change in this field is very fast. Every week something new comes in this field. By the time you are reading this post 10 patches have been updated in the Linux kernel code.
Throughout this post I will help you decide which will be the best choice this year. Hello my name is Aagam and I am your host. Lets get started.
I have listed out 10 programming languages according to its market demand, usage, and community support.
1) The C language
It is almost 40 years old but still called modern programming language. As it is a machine friendly language and most of the languages are derived from C. it is also used in important fields like IOT. So it is an evergreen language and must learn one.
2) C++
This is the language which is AK 47 for gamers and you should learn this if you want to jump in game development learn this language for sure games like Mini Militia, Counter strike are made using this language.
3) Ruby
The only reason to learn ruby is Ruby on Rails. Almost every startups use ROR as it is fast and handy. But ultimately companies switch from ruby on rails. But its still in demand.
4) Python
This language is boosting up very rapidly. It is now widely used in Data analysis, Artificial Intelligence and this have big scope and easy to learn also.
5) Swift
Apple is switching to swift from objective C so there will be need of swift programmers. It is good choice for iOS development.
6) Java
Java is must learn language as most of the web is powered by it. Android development is also based on Java so learn it.
7) Javascript
Dont get confused Java and javascript are totally different and it is the No 1 till today so its a good choice to learn it.
8) C#
For windows development C# is very important especially its .NET framework is most popular. So thats also a good choice.
9) PHP
Yet php is going down but most web still uses it. So php will also be a good choice.
10) SQL
Learning a Database language is always helpful while you are building something if you know a database language you can make all by yourself.
So, this were top programming languages that you should learn in 2016.Do subscribe and share and comment your views in the below comment section. Happy programming.
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